Hand Therapy Gold Coast
Hand therapy plays an integral role in rehabilitation following hand injury, elective and traumatic hand surgery.
Hand therapy is a sub specialised field of both Physiotherapy and Occupational Therapy, in which Physiotherapists or Occupational Therapists undertake further study and training in hand therapy. They are regulated by the Australian Hand Therapy Association.
Dr Graham (an Orthopaedic hand & wrist surgeons on the Gold Coast) may recommend you visit and Hand therapist either pre-operatively, post-operatively or alternatively when surgery is not indicated.
Your hand therapist will carefully supervise your progress, give you specific exercises to perform for your condition and also fabricate specific splints/casts which you require. Hand therapists also will attend to your surgical wound, provide dressings and remove sutures. To achieve the best possible outcome it is crucial that you attend your therapy sessions, and undertake the recommended exercises. The hand therapists liaise closely and communicate your progress with Dr Graham to help plan and individualise your treatment, and to ultimately optimise your outcome.
Hand Therapy Mudgeeraba
The Palms Hand Therapy work alongside Dr Graham and other hand surgeons and are co-located inside the Mudgeeraba Hand Clinic. The Palms Hand therapy was established by Marin Suzuki – Dr Graham’s wife, who works in the practice along with other hand therapists (Abbie Waddick, Lauren Miller, Paul Foster, Hannah Munro, Katie Stanko, Claire Bladwell and Patric Spark). Dr Graham and Marin have formed this co-located practice based on the Sydney Hospital Hand Unit philosophy, where they have both worked. The goal is to provide streamlined, optimised care of patients with any hand condition under one roof. Additional fees apply for hand therapy treatments, rebates for allied health (Physiotherapy/Occupational Therapy) from your private health insurance may apply.
The Palms Hand Therapy can be contacted directly on (07) 5601-0348 or reception@mudgeerabahand.com.